Av.Marquès de Comillas, 6-8
L'exposició aplega per primera vegada més de quatre-cents objectes i obres d'art com ara: quadres de Van Gogh, Toulouse Lautrec, Degouve de Nuncques, Rusiñol i Vuillard, vidrieria de Tiffany, escultures de Rodin i Bourdelle, mobles de Georges de Freure o Guillart, ceràmiques, joies etc.etc., col.leccions provinents de la galeria "L'Art Nouveau" que Sigfried Bing va obrir a París, reunin molts artistes de diverses disciplines, tal com hem pogut apreciar.
La exposición reune por primera vez más de cuatrocientos objetos y obras de arte como: cuadros de Van Gogh, Toulouse Lautrec, Degouve de Nuncques, Rusiñol y Vuillard, vidrieria de Tiffany, esculturas de Rodin y Bourdelle, muebles de Georges de Freure o Guillart, cerámicas, joyas etc.etc...,colecciones que provienen de la galeria "L'Art Nouveau" que Sigfried Bing abrió en París, reuniendo muchos artistas de diversas disciplinas, tal como hemos podido apreciar.
The exhibition brings together for the first time over four hundred objects and works of art as paintings by Van Gogh, Toulouse Lautrec, Degouve de Nuncques, Rusiñol and Vuillard, vidrieria Tiffany, sculptures by Rodin and Bourdelle, furniture Georges de Freure or Guillart, ceramics, jewelry etc.etc ..., collections from the gallery L'Art Nouveau "Siegfried Bing opened in Paris, bringing together artists from many different disciplines, as we have seen.
Preu: 2 €
The exhibition brings together for the first time over four hundred objects and works of art as paintings by Van Gogh, Toulouse Lautrec, Degouve de Nuncques, Rusiñol and Vuillard, vidrieria Tiffany, sculptures by Rodin and Bourdelle, furniture Georges de Freure or Guillart, ceramics, jewelry etc.etc ..., collections from the gallery L'Art Nouveau "Siegfried Bing opened in Paris, bringing together artists from many different disciplines, as we have seen.
Preu: 2 €
Visitants-31 persones
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