Vilafranca del Penedès
Hem vist còmodament asseguts, un Vídeo amb referència a la història i vida de la familia Torres i els seus vinyers. Mitjançant el transport d'un trenet, hem recorregut diverses instal.lacions i cellers, al finalitzar la visita, ens han convidat a un esmorzar de pa amb tomàquet i embotits del país regat amb un dels seus excel.lents vins.
Hemos visto comodamente sentados, un video informativo sobre la historia y vida de la familia Torres y sus viñedos. Mediante el transporte de un trenet, hemos recorrido diversas instalaciones y bodegas. Al finalizar la visita nos han invitado a un desayuno de pan con tomate y embutidos del país regado con uno de sus excelente vinos.
We have seen comfortably seated, an informational video about the history and life of the Torres family and its vineyards. By transporting a trenet, we tour various facilities and warehouses. At the end of the visit we were invited to a breakfast of bread with tomato and sausage washed down with the country one of its excellent wines.
Preu: Visita gratuït - Autocar 6 €
We have seen comfortably seated, an informational video about the history and life of the Torres family and its vineyards. By transporting a trenet, we tour various facilities and warehouses. At the end of the visit we were invited to a breakfast of bread with tomato and sausage washed down with the country one of its excellent wines.
Preu: Visita gratuït - Autocar 6 €
Visitants-45 persones
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